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Writer's pictureDr. G K Tara Jayasri MD(Ayu)

Ayurvedic treatment for Varicose Veins: Natural Treatment Options from Ayurveda


Ayurvedic Treatment for Varicose Veins: A Natural Solution

In ayurveda ,there is no any elaborate description of Siraja granthi (varicose veins) but its considered as a vikruti state of sira (disorder state of veins )

The term ‘siraja granthi’ refers to:

‘Sira’ which means  ‘blood vessels /veins’

‘Granthi’ which means  a’ knotty obstruction’ -So it often symbolizes to ‘a blockage in the flow of energy /blood in veins’ .

Varicose veins are enlarged and tortuous veins. Any superficial vein might also emerge as varicose, however, the veins most usually affected are those in your legs. This is because standing and strolling upright will increase the pressure within the veins. Varicose veins   are  characterized by enlarged, twisted, swollen veins appearing dark blue or purple which often occurs in legs and feet due to damaged valves in  blood vessels

For certain people varicose veins and spider veins are certainly a cosmetic challenge.


For some , varicose veins can cause aching ache and discomfort.  While modern medical interventions are available for treating varicose veins, Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers natural remedies that can provide relief from this condition.

Ayurveda focuses on addressing the root cause and promoting the over allwell being.

Varicose veins  is common is people whose work demands long standing hours, like teachers, surgeons, cooks etc.

Understanding Ayurveda and its Approach to Varicose veins (siraja granthi)

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, views varicose veins as a result of imbalances in the body’s doshas, particularly the Pitta and Vata doshas. According to Ayurveda, You can manage varicose veins by bringing these doshas back into balance through holistic treatments and lifestyle modifications. Ayurvedic therapies aim to improve blood circulation, strengthen the veins, and reduce inflammation in the affected areas.

Varicose veins occur when the veins become dilated, enlarged, and clogged with blood, this type of ailment is usually painful and the skin around the area becomes red or bluish-purple in color which may even appear raised or swollen.

Our veins consist of one-way valves, which prevent blood from flowing backward. On malfunctioning of these valves,blood will start clogging in the vein rather than flowing towards the heart. Since the legs are far from the heart it becomes the most easily affected site, once the veins start malfunctioning, blood will find it harder to flow upward. Hence, clogging begins to occur and the veins will become dilated, and enlarged.

The Causes of Varicose Veins

Age: The  elasticity of veins become weaker by age which can contribute to the appearance of swollen veins.

Genetics: A family history of varicose veins increases the likelihood of developing them. Genetic factors can influence the strength and integrity of vein walls and valves.

Obesity:  Added body weight increases the pressure on the legs

Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels, such as those that occur during pregnancy or menopause, can contribute to the development of swollen veins.

Chronic heart valve conditions

Overuse of the veins in activities like By-cycling, walking, standing etc.

Gender - Women are more prone to varicose veins than men. Hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can affect vein health.

Weak or Damaged Valves:Varicose veins often result from weakened or damaged valves in the veins. When valves malfunction, blood can pool in the veins, causing them to enlarge and become varicose.

Pregnancy:The increased blood volume during pregnancy, as well as pressure on the pelvic veins by the growing uterus, can contribute to the development of varicose veins.

Occupational Factors:Jobs that involve prolonged periods of standing or sitting may contribute to the development of varicose veins, as they can impede proper blood circulation.

Other Risk Factors:Hormonal changes from birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.Previous blood clotting in deep veins (deep vein thrombosis).

Symptoms of Varicose Veins:
  • Visible Swollen Veins: Varicose veins appear as bulging, twisted, or enlarged , often visible through the skin, particularly in the legs and feet.

  • Pain and Heaviness: patients may  experience pain, heaviness, or aching sensations in the affected areas, especially after prolonged standing or sitting.

  • Fatigue and Weakness: fatigue and weakness in the legs due to impaired circulation and venous insufficiency.

  • Cramping and Throbbing: muscle cramps, throbbing, or a sensation of fullness in the legs, particularly at night.

  • Discoloration of Skin: The skin may appear discolored, with areas of redness, brown pigmentation, or even ulceration in severe cases.

  • Itching and Irritation: accompanied by itching, irritation, or a feeling of heat in the affected areas, especially during warmer weather

Complications of varicose veins, although rare, can include:

Ulcers: Painful ulcers may form on the skin near varicose veins, particularly near the ankles. A discoloured spot on the skin usually begins before an ulcer forms.



Varicose veins can lead to development of DVT in some cases along with formation of clots – which can become fatal if they reach the lungs

Ayurvedic Diagnosis of Varicose Veins

Ayurvedic practitioners follow a comprehensive approach to diagnosing varicose

Examining your medical history: The practitioner will inquire about your symptoms, family history, and lifestyle habits.

The medical personnel will examine the legs and visible veins.

Determining your prakruthi /constitution : Ayurveda recognizes three primary body types or doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Other investigations like

Doppler Ultrasound test: An ultrasound test may be carried out to check the flow of blood. This consist of a non-surgical test that makes use of high-frequency sound waves. This gives the medical personnel a closer look at how the blood in the veins is flowing.

Venography/Angiogram: An angiogram may also be used to further evaluate the veins. During the angiogram, a special dye will be injected into the legs by the medical practitioner. X-rays are then taken. The dye will be seen on the x-ray, providing the medical personnel a clearer view concerning the flow of blood.

Ayurvedic Treatment Approaches for Varicose Veins

Can varicose veins be fully revovered ?

The answer to such questions is “yes” in the initial stage “First stage” it is very easy to cure varicose veins with some internal medications and external treatments of varicose veins.

As the disease progresses , nerves become more prominent and the treatment becomes complexive

Here you can check Ayurvedic Treatment Approaches for Varicose Veins:

Systemic approach

This approach  addresses  the displaced Doshas and Dhatus to regain their function and structure and to prevent the sequel of Varicose Veins .

Nidana parivarjana (Ruling out the etiological factors )ike

  • Excessive exertion by a weak and emaciated person.

  • Intake of food that obstructs the channels like curd, Lassi, deep-fried food etc.

  • Suddenly immersing or washing the lower limb in cold water after walking a long distance.

  • Constipation

  • Obesity   Can help to contolsiragranthi in initial phases

Internal medicines aims at  balancing the vitiated vata and pittha ,improving  the blood circulation in veins ,reducing  inflammation ,repairing  the damage which is caused by the dysfunctional veins ,detoxifying  the blood ,improving  the metabolism which can help purification in a faster way ,improving the collateral circulation and  strengthening  the veins

These may include single herbs like  Guggulu, Triphala, Arjuna, Ashwagandha, majistha and Brahmi and compound formulations like KaishoraGuggulu, Sarivadyasava, Chirabilvadikashaya, Erandamooladikashaya, Punarnavashtakakwatha, Kanchanara Guggul, which can help reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation and toning of the vein

External therapies may help to  improve the disability caused by torturous veins; i.e. pain and inflammation and to improve blood circulation in the Pratiloma direction.

Therapies like

Sira vyadha (Blood lettingtherapy)  in which various types like

  1. Jalookavacharana (Leech therapy)

In this therapy leeches are used at the affected site .Thesalive of leech contains substances with anticoagulants and anti inflammatory properties which can reduce the swelling and improve the circulation .

2. Shringa (Horn therapy )

In tis therapy a small incision is made in the skin with a special instrument  which is mae from shringa  (Horn of buffalo) to draw a small amount of blood which is believed to balance the doshas and to improve the circulation

3. Alabu (Cupopingtherapy )

It’s a kind of sucking therapy in which the a suction is created on the skin using a bamboo cup .This promotes the circulation and release the blockage

Follow a stict diet and life style

  • Adopt a diet rich in fibre, whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables: These foods provide essential nutrients and promote healthy digestion, which is vital for overall circulation.

  • Minimize processed foods, excess salt, and refined sugars:Engage in regular exercises, such as walking or swimming, to improve circulation and strengthen muscles

Yoga and Pranayama: Specific yoga asanas and breathing techniques are prescribed to improve blood circulation, strengthen the muscles, and reduce stress, which can alleviate symptoms associated with varicose veins.

Poses such as Viparita Karani, Sarvangasana, pavanamukthasana and Matsyasana are beneficial.

Panchakarma Therapy: Comprehensive detoxification and rejuvenation therapies, including Virechana (purgation) and Vasti (enema), may be recommended to cleanse the body of toxins, balance doshas, and promote overall well-being.


Abhyanga is another form of full-body oil massage with special herbal oils that improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, strengthen the varicose veins and repair damaged nerves.


Kizhi is a type of warm herbal poultice massage where herbs tied up in muslin cloth and dipped in warm oil are used to massage the affected areas. It helps in reducing pain, inflammation and swelling.

Sneha basthy – Administering of oil enema which can alleviate the vata dosha and improves the circulation thereby reducing varicose veins



Application of herbal pastes: A variety of herbal pastes and poultices are prepared using ingredients like turmeric, neem, vacha and aloe vera.

Medicated fumigation: Steam therapy with medicated herbs is employed to improve blood flow, reduce swelling, and relax the muscles in the legs.

Prevention Tips for Varicose Veins

·       Maintain a healthy weight

·       Avoid prolonged periods of standing or sitting

·       Elevate the legs periodically

·       Wear compression stockings if recommended


Contact Us for Holistic Wellness

Experience the harmonious blend of ancestral healing practices and contemporary care standards at The Arya Vaidya Chikitsalayam and Research Institute- AVCRI, Coimbatore since 1957.

For personalized Ayurvedic solutions to Varicose Veins and overall well-being,


Does Triphala cure varicose veins?

Yes it does .It helps to detoxify the blood and acts as   agent to clear the blockages in the veins due to its anti inflammatory properties.

Does Ashwagandha help varicose veins?

Yes it does .Being an  strengthening agent ,it helps to restore the strength of the damaged valves in vessels.

Can varicose veins be cured permanently?

Yes if its detected in early stages it can be cured.

Is Brahmi good for varicose veins?

It palys a crucial role in offering its medicinal potencials to control inflammation and oxidative damage.

What is the best long term treatment for varicose veins?

There are various aspects of Ayurveda that can be used to cure or manage varicose veins. These factors include diet, medication, workouts, and lifestyle changes. 

So detecting it in early stages and treating them alongside the life style changes would be a wise choice to manage it as a long term.

Are there any precautions I should take when using Ayurvedic treatment for varicose veins alongside conventional medicine?

Yes .You should Maintain a healthy weight,Avoid prolonged periods of standing or sitting,Elevate the legs periodically,  Wear compression stockings if recommended.

Are there any side effects of Ayurvedic treatment for varicose?

Absolutely no!

Can Ayurveda provide a complete cure for varicose veins in legs?

Yes, it can if its attended in early stages.

Can diet and lifestyle changes help alleviate varicose veins symptoms?

Defenitely yes .Following a healthy diet and life style can definitely impact the aggravation of the clinical condition.

Can exercise help prevent varicose veins?

Can lifestyle changes alone help manage varicose veins?

In initial stages it may helpwithout leading to any further complications.

Can varicose veins go away on their own?

No it may require a medical intervention to alleviate it.

Can you use Ayurveda alongside conventional treatments for varicose veins in legs?

Yes ,since it has no adverse reaction ,it can support the condition getting worsened.

Does drinking water help varicose veins?

Poor blood circulation or formation of blood clots can result in painful varicose veins .Hydrating adequately can help in the above.

Does garlic help varicose veins?

Since it can improve the blood circulation ,it can help in varicose veins.

Is Aloe Vera good for varicose veins?

It can help owing to its cooling property ,both internally and external administration.

Is ginger good for varicose veins?

It can enhance the flow of the blood and also due to its anti inflammatory property ,it helps.

Should You Be Concerned About Your Varicose Veins?

Though the varicose veins are not dangerous but when it starts affecting your routine ,you make have to take proper medical consultation.

Will coconut oil help varicose veins?

External application of coconut oil can help alleviate the burning sensation.

Contact Us for Holistic Wellness

Experience the harmonious blend of ancestral healing practices and contemporary care standards at The Arya Vaidya Chikitsalayam and Research Institute- AVCRI, Coimbatore since 1957.

For personalized Ayurvedic solutions to Varicose Veins and overall well-being,




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