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Ayurveda Narayana Thailam Oil : Ingredients, Dosage, Benefits & Uses | AVCRI | Since 1957

Writer's picture: Dr. G K Tara Jayasri MD(Ayu)Dr. G K Tara Jayasri MD(Ayu)

Narayana thailam

Ayurveda offers a holistic and natural approach to managing muscle pain, focusing on balancing the doshas, reducing inflammation, and promoting overall health.

Are you looking for natural ways to relieve your pain?

Narayana Thailam is a versatile Ayurvedic oil known for its pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, and rejuvenating properties. Its applications range from treating musculoskeletal and neurological disorders to enhancing overall skin and muscle health.

Its applications range from treating musculoskeletal and neurological disorders to enhancing overall skin and muscle health

Ingredients and pharmacological actions of the ingredients in narayana thailam

Narayana Taila is a unique formulation, containing 33 ingredients and has been explained by different texts

Heres a detailed description of the ingredients and its actions

1. BILVA( Aegle marmelos)

·       Karma – K-V shamaka, Shothahara, Shulahara, Agnivardhaka, Dipana, Pachana, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Marmelosin, marmelide, tannic acid, marmin, alkaloid ,marmelin, skimming, fatty acids, essential oil, dictamine, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions - Digestive, Stimulant, Antipyretic, Laxative, etc.

(2). AGNIMANTHA(Premna mucronate)

·       Useful part – Root, Bark, Leaves.

·       Karma – K-V shamaka, Shothahara, Vibandhahara, Agnivardhaka, Dipana, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Aphelandrine, premnine, botulin, ganikarine, β-sitosterol, palmitic acid, ganiarine, ceryl alcohol, triterpenes, clerodin, polyphenols, clerodendrin A, essential oil etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Analgesic, Antiinflammatory, Anthelmintic, Antioxidants, CNS depressant, etc.

(3). SHYONAAKA( Oroxylum indicum)

·       Useful part – Root, Bark (stem).

·       Karma – K- V shamaka, Shothahara, Dipana, Bastirogahara, Krimighna, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Oroxylin A, chrysin, baicalein, scutellarein, luteolin, aloe-emodin, fatty acids, amino acids, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Antioxidants, Analgesic, Anti-cancer, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bacterial, etc.

(4). PATALA( Stereospermum suaveolens)

·       Useful part – Root, Bark.

·       Karma – Tridosha shamaka, Shothahara, Ruchikara, Shramahara, Dahahara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Lapachol, β-sitosterol, specioside, alkaloids (solasonine, solamargine, solasurine), steriochenoids, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Tonic, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Liver stimulant, Neuroprotective, Antioxidants, Analgesic, Antipyretic, Anti-cancerous, etc.

(5). PARIBHADRA( Erythrina variegate)

·       Useful part – Bark, Leaves.

·       Karma – K-V shamaka, Shothahara, Dipana, Pachana, Anulomana, Shulahara, Krimighna, Mutrala (Mutrakrichchhrahara), etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Tetracyclic alkaloids (Eryosotine, erysodine, erysovine, erysopitine), isoflavonoids, scoulerine, coreximine, reticuline, erybidine, triterpinoids, sterol, etc

·       Pharmacological actions – Anti-bacterial, Diuretic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-tumour, Analgesic, Smooth muscles relaxant,

(6). PRASAARINI(Paederia foetida)

·       Useful part – Root, Leaves, Panchanga.

·       Karma – V-K shamaka, Balya, Shothahara, Shulahara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Alkaloids (Paederine A &B), essential oil, a volatile oil that contains methyl mercaptan, methanol extract, β-carotene bleaching 2,2- azinobis, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Anti-ulcer, Antioxidants, etc.

(7). ASHWAGANDHA( Withania somnifera)

·       Useful part – Root

·       Karma – K-V shamaka, Balya, Shothahara, Kandughna, Rasayana, Shukrala, Krimighna, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Withaferin, withanolide, somniferine, nicotine, tropine, withanine, somniferinine, withaniol, withasomnine, analygrine, anaferine, starch, β-sitosterol, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Anti-inflammatory, Antistress, Anti-tumour, Antiseptic, Hepatoprotective, etc.

 (8). BRIHATI( Solanum indicum)

·       Useful part – Root, whole plant (Panchanga), Fruit, Leaves.

·       Karma – K-V shamaka, Pachana, Ruchikara, Shulahara, Agnivardhaka, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Solasonine (glycoalkaloid), solanine, solasodine, diosgenin, β-sitosterol, lanosterol, solamargine, maltase, fatty acid (like lauric, palmitic, stearic, arachidic, oleic, &linoleic), carpesterol, flavonoids, anthocyanidin, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Antipyretic, Aphrodisiac, Diuretic, Anti-cancerous, Cardiac tonic, Analgesic, etc

(9). KANTAKARI( Solanum xanthocarpum)

·       Useful part – Root, whole plant (Panchanga).

·       Karma – K-V shamaka, Dipana, Pachana, Krimighna, Kandughna, Balya, Shothahara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Glucoside, alkaloids, saponin, tannin, total phenolic compound, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, solasodine, esculin, carpesteral, solanine, stigma sterol, campesterol, β-solamargine, essential amino acid.

·       Pharmacological actions – Nephroprotective, Antiinflammatory, Antibacterial, Analgesic, Stimulant, Appetizer, Cardio stimulant, Antioxidants, Diuretic, Anti-Urolithiatic, etc.

(10). BALA( Sida cordifolia)

·       Useful part – Root, whole plant (Panchanga)

·       Karma – V-P shamaka, Balya, Vrishya, Ojovardhaka, Ayuvardhaka, Brihana, Shothahara, Rasayana, Mutrakrichchhrahara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Ephedrine, fatty oil, steroids, phytosterol, resin, mucin, potassium nitrate, vasiscinone, vasicine, vasiscinol, betaine, flavonoids, saponins, glycosides, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Aphrodisiac, Analgesic, Diuretic, Antispasmodic, Anti-inflammatory, Tonic, Emollient, Cardio tonic, etc.

(11). ATIBALA( Abutilon indicum)

·       Useful part – Root, whole plant (Panchanga).

·       Karma – V-P shamaka, Balya, Mutrala, Vrishya, Ojovardhaka, Krimighna, Dahahara, Brihana, Ashmarighna, Mutrakrichchhrahara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Fatty acids (linoleic, stearic, palmitic, myristic, lauric acids), β-sitosterol, β-amyrin, flavones, gossypetin-8, T-glycoside, cyanidin-3, eugenol, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Diuretic, Anti-helminthic, Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antifungal, Analgesic, Anti-cancerous, Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, Nervine tonic, etc.

(12). GOKSHURA( Tribulus terrestris)

·       Useful part – Root, fruit, whole plant (Panchanga).

·       Karma – Tridosha shamaka, Shothahara, Vrishya, Agnidipana, Anulomana, Ashmarinashana, Mutrala, Balya, Bastishodhaka, Mutrakrichchhranashaka, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Chlorogenin, diosgenin & its acetate, spirosterol, saponin & a dihydroxy spirosteroidal sapogenin, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, amino acids, alkaloids, harmine, neotigogenin, kaempferol, steroidal glycosides, saponin C&G, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – CNS stimulant, Analgesic, Muscle relaxant, Diuretic, Anti-Urolithiatic, Antimicrobial, Hepatoprotective, Tonic, Antispasmodic, etc.

(13). PUNARNAVA( Boerhavia diffusa )

·       Useful part – Root, whole plant Karma – P-K shamaka, Dipana, shophahara, Shulahara, Bradhnahara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Punarnavine (alkaloid), punarnavoside, β-sitosterol, tetracosanoic, hexacosanoic, stearic acid, ursolic acid, mysristic acid, asparagine, potassium nitrate, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Diuretic, Anthelmintic, Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective, Immunomodulatory, Antiproliferative properties, etc.

(14). SHATAPUSHPA( Anethum sowa)

·       Useful part – Leaves, seeds, Taila

·       Karma – K-V shamaka, Shothahara, Vedanahara, Dipana, Pachana, Anulomana, Krimighna, Mutrala, Mutrakrichchhranashaka, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Alkaloid, carbohydrates, flavonoid, resin, saponins, tannins, starch, amino acid, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Antioxidant, Antidiabetic, Antimicrobial, Antispasmodic, etc.

(15). DEVADAARU( Cedrus deodara )

·       Useful part – Bark, heart wood, oil, leaves, resin.

·       Karma – K-V shamaka, Dipana, Krimighna, Kandughna, Shothahara, Vibandhahara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Essential oil, pmethylacetophenone, sesquiterpenes (α & βhimachalene, himachalol, deodarin, toxifolin, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Analgesic, Antiinflammatory, Antiulcer, Antibacterial, etc.

(16). JATAMANSI( Nordostachys jatamansi )

·       Useful part – Rhizome

·       Karma – Tridosha-shamaka, Dahahara, Balya, Medhya, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Jatamansic acid, aristolene, jatamansin, oroselol, orselone, dihydrojatamansin, angelic acid, jatamansinol, seselin, α-pinene, β-sitosterol, analgelicin, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Antiseptic, Analgesic, Nervine tonic, Antipyretic, Diuretic, etc.

(17). SHAILEYAKA( Barleria prionitis)

·       Useful part – Whole plant.

·       Karma – V-K shamaka, Shophahara, Dahahara, Dipana, Kandughna, Shulahara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Alkaloids, potassium, iridoids barlerin & cetylbarlerin, acylated flavonoid glycosideluteolin 7.0, β-D-glycopyranoside, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Hepatoprotective, Immunomodulatory activity, etc.

(18). VACHA( Acorus calamus )

·       Useful part – Rhizome

·       Karma – K-V shamaka, Medhya, Dipana, Vibandhahara, Shulaghna, Mutravishodhaka, Jantughna, Vrishya, Krimighna, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Starch, 1.5 to 3.5% volatile oil, resin (2.5%), tannin (1.5%), volatile oil contains asaraldehyde, asarone & eugenol, β-asarone, methyl eugenol, α-pinene, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Anti-candida efficacy, Antioxidants, Anti-inflammatory, Neuroprotective actions, etc.

(19). RAKTA CHANDANA( Pterocarpus santalinus )

·       Useful part – Heart wood

·       Karma – K-P shamaka, Vrishya, Dahahara, Krimighna, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Santalin, santalic acid, santalic pterocarpin, detoxy santalin & kino tannic acid, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Tonic, Anti-inflammatory, Antidiabetic, etc.

(20). TAGARA( Valeriana wallichi )

·       Useful part – Root

·       Karma – V-K shamaka, Manodoshahara, Shulahara, Raktadoshahara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Atinidine, carotene, jatamols A & B, jatamansic acid, nardol, valeranol, virolin, valerosidate, valeriotetrate, A & hexacosanic acid, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Anti-amoebic, Analgesic, Antibacterial, Antispasmodic, Diuretic, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, etc.

(21). KUSHTHA( Saussurea lappa)

·       Useful part – Root

·       Karma – K-V shamaka, Shukrala, Kandughna, Shothahara, Shulahara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Kushthin, inulin, betulin, friedelin, stigmasterol, saussureal, α & β-selinenes, costunolide, sausurine,

·       Pharmacological actions – Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidants, Cardio tonic, Antimicrobial, Anti-cancerous, etc.

(22). ELA( Elattaria cardamomum)

·       Useful part – Seed, fruit

·       Karma – Tridoshahara, Arshoghna, Mutrakrichchhraghna, Dipana, Dahahara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Bornneol, camphene, cineole, terpinyl acetate, terpineol, terpinene, P-cymene, geraniol, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Diuretic, Stimulant, Antioxidant, Antihypertensive, Gastroprotective, etc.

(23). SHALAPARNI( Desmodium gangeticum)

·       Useful part – Whole plant, root.

·       Karma – V-P shamaka, Brihana, Rasayana, Krimighna, Shophahara, Vrishya, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Hypaphorine, candicine, βcarbolines, N-methyltyramine, β-phenylethylamine, genistein, dalbergioiden, diphysolone, kievitone, desmocarpin-І. etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Antioxidant, Antiinflammatory, Digestive, Antihypertrophic, Analgesic, Diuretic, etc.

(24). PRISHNIPARNI(Uraria picta )

·       Useful part – Whole plant, root.

·       Karma – Tridosha shamaka, Vrishya, Dahashamaka, Jwaraghna, Vranahara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Amino acids, fatty acids, steroids, flavonoids, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Antimicrobial, Antiviral, Anti-inflammatory, Diuretic, Analgesic, Antipyretic, Antioxidant, promote wound healing & fracture healing, etc.

(25). MAASHPARNI( Teramnus labialis)

·       Useful part – Whole plant, root

·       Karma – V-P shamaka, Shukrala, Shothahara, Jwaraghna, Dahahara, Vatavyaadhihara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Amino acids, isoleucine, arginine, histidine, valine, tannins, potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitexin, bergenin, methanolic extract, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Nervine tonic, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti-inflammatory, Antipyretic, Antioxidant, etc.

(26). MUDGAPARNI( Phaseolus trilobus)

·       Useful part – Whole plant, root

·       Karma – Tridoshahara, Shukrala, Shothahara, Dahahara, Krimighna, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Friedlin, epifriedelin, stigmasterol, tannin, epifriedelinol, γ-glutamy phenylalanine, flavonoids, vitexin, vit-K,

·       Pharmacological actions – Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Aphrodisiac, Diuretic

(27). RASNA( Pluchea lanceolata)

·       Useful part – Rhizome, root, leaves, & whole plant.

·       Karma – K-V shamaka, Shophahara, Shulaghna, Jwaraghna, Pachaka, Vatavyaadhihara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Pluchine, betainhydrochloride, β & γ-sitosterol, flavone glycoside, quercitin, isorhamnetin, methyl cinnamate, cineole, resin, pungent, galangin, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Stimulant, Antibacterial, Antimalarial, Anti-inflammatory, etc.

(28).ASHWAGANDHA(Withania somnifera)

·       Useful part – Root

·       Karma – K-V shamaka, Balya, Shophahara, Kandughna, Rasayana, Shukrala, Krimighna, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Withaferin, withanolide, somniferine, nicotine, tropine, withanine, somniferinine, withasomnine, analygrine, anaferine, starch, β-sitosterol, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Anti-inflammatory, Antistress, Anti-tumour, Antiseptic, Hepatoprotective, etc.

(29). PUNARNAVA( Boerhavia diffusa)

·       Useful part – Root, whole plant

·       Karma – P-K shamaka, Dipana, shophahara, Shulahara, Bradhnahara, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Punarnavine (alkaloid), punarnavoside, β-sitosterol, tetracosanoic, hexacosanoic, stearic acid, ursolic acid, mysristic acid, asparagine, potassium nitrate, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions–Diuretic, Anthelmintic, Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective, Immunomodulatory, Antiproliferative, Anti-angiogenic effects, etc.

(30). SHATAAVARI( Asparagus racemosus)

·       Useful part – Root

·       Karma – V-P shamaka, Rasayana, Medhya, Pushtivardhaka, Shukravardhaka, Balya, Shothahara, Vrishya, etc.

·       Chemical constituents - Shatavarin, І to V sitosterol, saponins, A4, A5, A6, A7 & A8, sarsapogenin, glycosides of quercetin, D-glucose, D-mannose & disaccharides, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Tonic, Diuretic, Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, Anti-cancerous, Antistress, Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, etc.

(31). SAINDHAVA LAVANA( Sodii chloridum)

·       Karma – Tridoshahara (specially Vatahara), Dipana, Pachana, Ruchikara, Vrishya, Chakshush, Avidaahi, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Sodium chloride, iodine, potassium, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Analgesic, Antiinflammatory, Laxative, etc.

(32). GODUGDHA( Cowmilk )

·       Karma – V-P shamaka, Alpa abhishyandakaraka, Raktapittahara, Rasayana, Jivaniya.

·       Chemical constituents – Various minerals, protein, organic compounds, vitamins, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Inhibit the absorption of dietary nonheme iron, eliminate inflammation, boost the immune system, etc.

(33). TILA TAILA( Sesame oil)

·       Karma – Vata shamaka, Brihaniya, Shodhaniya, Krimighna, Shulahara, Balya, Vrishya, Used as Basti to pacify the vitiated Vata dosha, etc.

·       Chemical constituents – Sesamin, Protein, carbohydrates, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, B, C, etc. Glycerides of higher fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, stearic, rachitic), about 5% olein, sesamol, etc.

·       Pharmacological actions – Oils are used as soothing agents & Anti-inflammatory action, Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Anti-hypertensive, Anti-tumour, Hepatoprotective, etc.

Method of Narayana Taila Preparation

Procedure of Tila Taila Murchhana

 1. Required amount of Tila Taila was taken in a wide mouthed stainless-steel vessel and it is allowed to heat over Mandagni, till appearance of foam.

2. After cooling of Tila Taila, Kalka of all 11 „Murchhana dravyas‟ are  added in it and continuous stirring is done as to avoid burning of Kalka, followed by adding of appropriate amount of water.

3. The procedure is carried out for span of 03 days till obtaining “Siddhi Lakshana’s” and Taila is  squeezed out of Kalka Dravya when it was lukewarm with the help of cloth to avoid much loss.

Preparation of Narayana Taila:

 1. Firstly, 3 Kg of coarse powder of each i.e. Bilva, Agnimantha, Shyonaka, Patala, Paribhadra, Gandhaprasarani, Ashwagandha, Brihati, Kantakari, Gokshura, Bala, Atibala, Punarnava, is  taken and boiled it over Mandagni till remains one fourth of original volume, then filtered with a clean cotton cloth to obtain Kwatha. 2. Murchhita Tila tail is  heated in wide mouthed big stainless-steel vessel till becomes moisture free.

3. Decoction of Shataavari was prepared separately by adding Shataavari‟s coarse powder with  of water and boiled it over Mandagni till remains one fourth of original volume, then filtered it with a clean cotton cloth to obtain Shataavari Kwatha.

4. Filtered decoction of first 13 Kwatha drugs was mixed with moisture free Murchhita Tila Taila and heated properly.

5. Then after Godugdha & Shataavari’s decoction are mixed in it and stirred. Heated it over Mandagni.

6. Lastly Shatapushpa, Devadaaru, Jatamansi, Saireyaka, Vacha, Raktachandana, Tagara, Kushtha, Ela, Shalaparni, Prishniparni, Mashaparni, Mudgaparni, Rasna, Ashwagandha Punarnava, and Saindhava Lavana Kalka is prepared as per “Snehapaka Kalpana ratio 1:4:16 (Kalka: Sneha: Kwatha).” After that it is mixed in above Tila Taila mixture, heated on moderate heat and stirred continuously so as to avoid burning of Kalka

7. Snehapaka (Tailapaka) is completed on third day, after confirming the “Sneha Siddhi Lakshana” as per classics.

Reference – Bhaisajya ratnavali  vata vyadhi

Storage of Prepared Drug: The prepared Narayana Taila was filtered and preserved in airtight glass bottles.

Mode of administrations – Basthy ,external application ,nasya ,oral

Therapeutic indications

·         Monoplegia

·         Bell’s palsy (Facial Palsy)

·         Tremors

·         Hearing loss or deafness

·         Oligospermia

·         Cervical dystonia (spasmodic torticollis)

·         Lock Jaw or Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder

·         Headache

·         Female Infertility

·         Intestinal Gas and bloating

·         Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy or Tongue Deviation

·         Toothache

·         Schizophrenia, Mania and Psychosis

·         Kyphosis

·         Wasting

·         Paraplegia

·         Hemiplegia

·         Paralysis

Pharmacological actions

Its is tonic for nervous system and musculoskeletal system. According to ayurveda, it pacifies vata  When taken internally, it exerts potent anti-inflammatory action and provides strength to the bones, muscles and joints and also in treatments for oligospermia

Used in nasal instillation for improving the sensory organs and hearing and vision



Oral Use

It should be noted that narayana thailam  should only be taken internally if patient has good appetite.

Children – 2.5 ml

Adults – 5 ml

Anupana – Milk /warm water

Best time to take – empty stomach

External Use

Narayan Oil can be applied on the affected parts. The massage should be done for at least 40 minutes for the best results.

Safety profile

It should not be given to patients having Loss of appetite

1.    Acid reflux

2.    Heartburn

3.    Restlessness


Q: What are the key ingredients in Ayurveda Narayana Thailam Oil?

A: The key ingredients in Ayurveda Narayana Thailam oil include herbs effective in pain relief and stiffness, specifically targeting joint issues arising from deranged 'vata dosha' in the system.

Q: How is the dosage for Ayurveda Narayana Thailam Oil recommended?

A: The recommended dosage of Ayurveda Narayana Thailam oil is typically 200 ml, and it is often used as a post-workout abhyanga oil for joint and muscle relief.

Q: Can you provide some customer reviews for Ayurveda Narayana Thailam Oil?

A: Customer reviews for Ayurveda Narayana Thailam oil often highlight its effectiveness in providing pain relief, especially for conditions like arthritis, making it a popular choice among users.

Q: Where can I find Ayurveda Narayana Thailam Oil on Amazon?

A: You can find Ayurveda Narayana Thailam oil listed in the personal care category on Amazon, with additional offers and best prices in India available for purchase.

Q: Is Ayurveda Narayana Thailam Oil returnable if found defective?

A: Ayurveda Narayana Thailam oil is non-returnable once delivered, so it is advisable to check the product details and ensure its correct specifications before purchase.

Q: What is Valiya Narayana Thailam and how does it differ from Narayana Thailam Oil?

A: Valiya Narayana Thailam is a variant of the oil that offers enhanced benefits for joint issues and pain relief, providing a stronger formulation for more intense conditions.

Q: What is the significance of 'Vatavyadhi' in the context of Ayurveda Narayana Thailam Oil?

A: 'Vatavyadhi' refers to conditions related to the imbalance of 'vata dosha' in the body, and Ayurveda Narayana Thailam oil is specifically designed to address these issues and provide relief.


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