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Authentic Kerala Ayurvedic Murivenna Oil for Pain Relief | Benefits, Uses, Formulation, Ingredients, Dosage And Side Effects

Murivenna Thailam: Benefits, Uses, Formulation, Ingredients, Dosage And Side Effects

Muscle soreness,sprains and strains are common occurrences for individuals who engage in rigorous physical activity ,including those who follow strict workout regimens .Apart from too  much exercising  even a bad posture can cause a pull,frozen shoulder,hip pain etc

One may opt popping up a pain killer  or an anti inflammatory but indeed there are several natural and safer alternatives to pain killers for treating such soreness ,sprains and strains

On any sprained muscle ,twisted joint or a fall,you can fall back on the age old traditional ayurvedic magic oil and that’s MURIVENNA.

It’s a widely used first aid oil which comes in handy when it comes to a bruise or a cut or a inflammation or a muscle sprain.

The term murivenna comes from tow malayaalam terms consisting of “murivu” meaning wound and enna meaning oil .So murivenna term helps in treating or healing the wounds

Coconut oil as a base ,its highly useful in reducing the inflammation and injuries involving pain and swelling.

Ayurvedic Indications Of Murivenna Thailam

In classical texts of ayurvea the various indications includes amavata(arthritis) ,vranaropana(wound healing ) ,daha hara(relieves burning sensation ) ,balya(nourish) ,abhigathaja(post trauma ) ,raktha mandala(ringworm ) ,kusta (skin issues ),vedana(pain ) ,sandhi shoola(joint pains ) ,katee shoola(low back ache ) ,mamsa gatha vatha(muscle apin ) ,snayuvitanam(sprains ) 

Muscle and joint pain can dramatically benefit from the application of ayurveda murivenna, providing significant pain relief.

Murivenna can be applied topically to alleviate pain and inflammation associated with conditions such as arthritis ,rheumatism ,sprain an dstiffness

Wound healing

It aids in wounds ,abrasions by promoting tissue regeneration and preventing infections


Its commonly used to promote healing and relieve pain in  minor injuries  such as bruise ,contusions ,cuts and minor burns

Swelling and inflammation

Its anti-inflammatory properties makes its useful for reducing swelling and inflammation associated with various conditions

Post operative care

With post operation care ,it helps to heal and reduce inflammation at surgical site

Skin conditions can benefit from the soothing properties of aloe vera and murivenna oil.

It can be applied topically for conditions like eczema ,psoriasis ,dermatitis and insect stings

Nerve pain

Its used to apply topically to alleviate neuropathy pain associated in sciatica and diabetic neuropathy


It can help to reduce the inflammation in affected area


It can be applied on temples to relieve tension headaches and migraines, often including the use of ayurveda murivenna for enhanced pain relief.

Cracked and dry heels

Applied topically to reduce the roughness promoting healing .It acts as a natural moisturiser for skin

Formulations and method of preparation of Murivenna Thailam


Tila thaila /sesame oil


        Nourishes and moisturises the skin

        Helps absorption of the ingredients

Haridra /turmeric


        Acts as anti inflammatory, with components like ayurveda murivenna aiding in quick pain relief.  to reduce swelling

        Antioxidant to protect against oxidative damage

        Promotes wound healing

        Analgesic to alleviate pain

Guggulu /commiphora wightii


        Anti inflamatroy and analgesis to reduce the pain and inflammation

        Supports joint health, especially when murivenna oil is applied, embodying the principles of kerala ayurveda for pain relief.

        Promotes tissue regeneration

Amla /Indian gooseberry /Emblica officinalis


        Antioxidants to promote skin health

        Supports collagen production for wound healing

        Anti inflammatory

Sariva /anata mool/hemidesmus indicus


        Cooling for skin moisturising

        Anti inflammatory

        Supports skin health and rejuvenation

Manjistha /rubia cordifolia


        Acts as blood purifier

        Anti inflammatory and anti oxidant  against free radical damage

Sathavari /Asparagus racemosus )


        Cooling and soothing effects

        Rejuvenating for tissue regeneration \anti inflammatory

Daru haridra/Beriberis aristata


        Acts as anti microbial for preventing wound

        Anti inflammatory \support skin healthy

Vidari /Pueraria tuberose )


        Rejuvenating and supports tissue regeneration

        Analgesic to alleviate pain

        Anti inflammatory

Shallaki /Boswellia serrata


        Anti inflammatory

        Analgesic to alleviate pain

        Supports joint health

Kumari /Aloe barbadensis


        Faster tissue regeneration due to presence of polysaccharides

        Analgesics and anti-inflammatory due to presence of glycoprotein

        Modulates immune system

Shigru /Moringa oleifera)


        Leaf extract possess osteoprotective property

        Good for wound healing

Tamboola patra (Piper betel)


        Ayurvedic anti inflammatory ,analgesic an anti microbial

        Antiseptic due to presence of chavicol

Keram /coconut oil


        With presence of vitamn E it boosts skin helath

        Nourish the tissues

        It has  anti-inflammatory properties that relieve skin irritation, and itching

        Topical application  to the skin creates a moisture-locking barrier that helps the skin to retain hydration 

Palandu (Allium cepa)

        It is antiseptic in property and promotes quick healing of wounds and cuts

        It is used in formulations to treat joint pain and muscle ache, as well as pain due to arthritis

Karanja Patra (Pongamia pinnata)

        It is Vranahara in nature and helps heal wounds quickly

        Karanja is useful in reducing inflammation

Kanjika/fermented rice washed water

        it helps in removing toxins or Ama doshas from the joints, thus providing relief from pain and inflammation in case of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Paribadra/Erythrina variegate

        It provides relief from pain, inflammation, skin issues and supports wound healing process.

Vasuka/Adathoda vasuka

        The anti-inflammatory properties alleviate pain, inflammation and discomfort. The anti-microbial properties prevent infection.

Method of Preparation:

The herbs are typically powdered and decocted in sesame oil over low heat until the oil is infused with the active compounds of the herbs. The oil is then strained to remove any solid particles, resulting in the final Murivenna formulation.

Additional Benefits Of Murivenna Thailam 

In addition to the primary benefits mentioned earlier, Murivenna Thailam offers several additional therapeutic advantages:

        Improve circulation

        Reduces scar formation

        Eases menstrual cramps

        Alleviates sciatica

        Reduced varicose veins

        Facilates lymphatic drainage

        Soothens burns

        Manages contusions

        Heals fractures

        Aids post natal care

        Treats tendonitis

It's important to note the following precautions when using Murivenna Thailam:

- Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

- Discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur and consult a healthcare provider.

- Store Murivenna Thailam in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Murivenna Thailam Side Effects

Skin Irritation:

This can occur due to sensitivity of one or more herb like guggulu .Performing a patch test would be useful to rule out allergies

Photo sensitivity

Some herbs like turmeric may increase skins sensitivity to sunlight which may lead to sun burns sometimes

Pregnant and breast feeding

Its advisable to consult your practitioner before usage of this oil

Murivenna Thailam Dosage

The therapeutic application may vary depending on age, body strength and effect on agni, severity of the disease, making ayurveda murivenna oil a versatile option.

External Application:


        Warm Murivenna Thailam

        Cotton Swabs or cotton cloth


        Take the warm oil in a clean bowl.

        Dip the cotton cloth or cotton swab in the oil and put it on the affected part.

        Keep it for 20 – 30 minutes.

        Ensure that the oil applied on the affected part remains warm, hence the oil should be heated repeatedly during the entire application process.

Various Procedures Of Applying Murivenna Thailam

        Pichu: Pichu refers to the use of thick cotton pads or cotton clothes that are soaked in the warm medicated oil and applied directly over the affected area. This therapy is extremely beneficial for spondylolysis, fractures, strains, muscle pulls, cramps, contusions, burns etc.

        Kati Vasti: This therapy usually focuses on the application of the warm medicated oil in the lumbosacral region, the lower back and other parts of the spine for a certain time period. Kati Vasti, also known as Kadeevasthy, is pivotal in case of severe back pain, often utilizing the principles of kerala ayurveda with murivenna oil for effective treatment. sciatica, slip disc, lower back pain, lumbago, pain in the nerves and hip area.

        Parisheka sweda: It is a form of sweating treatment wherein warm medicated oils, juices, buttermilk or decoctions are stream poured or sprinkled on the affected part in a constant, uninterrupted flow. It is extremely useful for treating arthritis, stiffness in joints, muscle pain, myalgia etc. 


What is Murivenna oil used for?

Murivenna oil is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal oil used for external application to alleviate various musculoskeletal conditions, wounds, and skin ailments. It is a popular remedy in Ayurveda due to its potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and wound-healing properties. Murivenna oil is typically prepared by infusing various medicinal herbs in a base oil, such as sesame oil or coconut oil, through a specific process known as taila paka.

Can we apply Murivenna on wounds?

Yes, Murivenna oil is commonly used for external application to wounds in Ayurvedic practice. It is valued for its wound-healing properties and is believed to promote faster healing, reduce inflammation, and prevent infection.

Is Murivenna good for sprain?

Yes, Murivenna oil can be beneficial for treating sprains. Murivenna oil is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal oil known for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and muscle-relaxing properties, making it a popular choice for relieving pain and promoting healing in musculoskeletal conditions, including sprains.

How do you use Murivenna for sprains?

To use Murivenna oil for sprains, follow these steps:

Clean the affected area

Apply Murivenna oil

Massage the oi

Apply warm compress (optional)

Leave the oil on

Repeat as needed

Rest and elevate the sprained area

Is Murivenna good for swelling?

Yes, Murivenna oil is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling when applied externally. It contains a combination of medicinal herbs that have been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects

When applied to the skin, Murivenna oil can penetrate the tissues and help alleviate inflammation and swelling associated with various conditions, including sprains, strains, bruises, and musculoskeletal injuries.

Can Murivenna be used for cuts?

Yes, Murivenna oil can be used for cuts and wounds. It is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal oil known for its wound-healing properties and is commonly used to promote the healing of minor cuts, abrasions, and wounds. Murivenna oil contains a blend of medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and tissue-regenerating properties, making it an effective remedy for promoting wound healing.

Is Murivenna good for fracture?

Murivenna oil is traditionally used in Ayurveda for various musculoskeletal conditions, including bone fractures. While Murivenna oil may not directly heal a fracture, it can be beneficial in managing pain, reducing inflammation, and promoting overall comfort during the healing process.

Is Murivenna good for fungal infection?

Murivenna oil is primarily used in Ayurvedic medicine for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and wound-healing properties. While it contains several medicinal herbs with antimicrobial properties, its effectiveness in treating fungal infections may be limited compared to other specific antifungal remedies. However, its efficient  in treating fungal infections such as athlete's foot, ringworm, or fungal nail infections

Is Murivenna good for piles?

Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum or anus, and they can cause symptoms such as pain, itching, bleeding, and discomfort. Treatment for hemorrhoids typically involves lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, topical treatments, and in some cases, medical procedures

While Murivenna oil may help alleviate some symptoms associated with hemorrhoids, such as pain and inflammation

Which Thailam is good for knee pain?

In Ayurveda, various herbal oils known as "Thailams" are used for external application to alleviate knee pain and related musculoskeletal conditions. Thailams are herbal oils prepared by infusing medicinal herbs in a base oil through a specific process known as "Taila Paka." These oils are valued for their anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and rejuvenating properties, which can help reduce pain, inflammation, stiffness, and promote overall joint health.

Oils like murivenna ,kottemchukkadi thailam ,dhanwantharam thailam,panda thailam ,narayana thailam are known for its anti inflammatory properties

How to apply murivenna oil?

To apply Murivenna oil, follow these steps:

Clean the area

Warm the oil (optional)

Apply the oil

Massage the oil

Leave the oil on

Cover the area (optional

Repeat as needed

Is murivenna good for muscle pain?

Yes, Murivenna oil is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for its beneficial effects on muscle pain. It contains a blend of medicinal herbs and oils that possess anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and muscle-relaxing properties, making it effective for alleviating muscle pain, stiffness, and discomfort.

Where to buy murivenna ointment/ balm?

Buy it directly from AVP Ayurveda Website or through our outlets 

Is murivenna good for hair?

Murivenna oil is primarily used for external application to alleviate various musculoskeletal conditions, wounds, cuts, bruises, and skin ailments in Ayurvedic medicine. While it contains several medicinal herbs and oils known for their therapeutic properties, there is limited evidence to suggest that Murivenna oil is specifically beneficial for hair.

However, some of the herbal ingredients commonly found in Murivenna oil, such as neem, turmeric, have been traditionally used in Ayurveda for promoting scalp health and addressing certain scalp conditions.

Is murivenna good for ulcers?

Murivenna is an Ayurvedic herbal oil used in traditional medicine for various purposes, including wound healing, inflammation reduction, and pain relief. It typically contains ingredients such as turmeric, neem, and various medicinal herbs in a base of sesame oil or coconut oil which may help to heal ulcers.

Can Murivenna Balm be used in open cuts and wounds?

Murivenna Balm is typically used for external application to alleviate various musculoskeletal conditions, joint pain, muscle pain, and inflammation. While it contains a blend of herbal ingredients known for their therapeutic properties, including anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and anti microbial , it may be  used on open cuts and wounds.

Can murivenna be used for sports injuries?

Yes ofcourse. For sports injuries, Murivenna may offer some benefits due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It can potentially help reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and promote faster healing of minor injuries like sprains, strains, bruises, and muscle soreness.

Can we use Murivenna Balm if there is an already existing skin allergy?

If there is already an existing skin allergy, it's essential to exercise caution when using any topical product, including Murivenna Balm. While Murivenna Balm contains herbal ingredients known for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, it also contains other ingredients that may potentially trigger allergic reactions in some individuals.

Can we use for chest muscle stiffness?

If your chest muscle stiffness is due to physical exertion, muscle strain, or minor injury, applying Murivenna externally to the affected area might provide relief.

Do I have to heat Murivenna Thailam before applying?

Heating the oil slightly can help improve its absorption into the skin and enhance its therapeutic effects. Additionally, warm oil can provide a soothing and relaxing sensation when applied to the body.

Does Murivenna Balm cause any side effects?

Murivenna Balm, like any herbal product, may cause side effects in some individuals, although it's generally considered safe when used as directed. The likelihood and severity of side effects can vary depending on factors such as individual sensitivity, underlying health conditions, and the specific ingredients in the balm.

How does Murivenna Balm work in burns?

Murivenna Balm is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal balm known for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and wound-healing properties. While Murivenna Balm is not specifically formulated for burns, some of its herbal ingredients may provide benefits for minor burns and skin irritations.

Is Murivenna Thailam Safe for Everyone To Use?

Murivenna Thailam, like many herbal oils used in Ayurveda, is generally considered safe for external use by most people when used appropriately.However  Consulting with a qualified healthcare provider or Ayurvedic practitioner can provide personalized guidance and ensure safe and effective use of Murivenna Thailam.





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