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Managing Varicose Veins with Ayurvedic Treatment – A Comprehensive Clinical Treatment Approach

Writer's picture: Dr. G K Tara Jayasri MD(Ayu)Dr. G K Tara Jayasri MD(Ayu)

Managing Varicose Veins with Ayurvedic Treatment – A Comprehensive Clinical Treatment Approach

Ayurvedic treatment of varicose veins (Siragranthi)

Varicose veins result from valves in the leg veins becoming weakened, causing the veins to expand and bulge, sometimes appearing swollen beneath the skin.

According to Ayurvedic texts, varicose veins are closely associated with the symptoms described for Siragranthi, which involve obstructed circulation. In this condition, the veins carrying blood from the legs to the heart become enlarged, fibrous, and twisted, which are characteristic signs of venous disease. The affected veins lose their flexibility and elasticity. 

Causes of varicose veins (Siragranthi)

The main reasons behind varicose veins include:- Valves not functioning properly- Weak vein walls leading to venous insufficiency, a common characteristic of venous disease- Secondary varicose veins resulting from issues related to venous disease such as venous obstruction from pregnancy, pelvic tumors, fibroid, ovarian cyst, and deep vein thrombosis- Excess pressure on the legs or abdomen- Factors like age, obesity, pregnancy, hormonal changes- Genetic or epigenetic influences- Dietary deficiencies affecting vein elasticity and causing varicose veins- Prolonged standing, intense exercising, wearing tight clothing, and lack of physical activity contributing to varicose veins.

Etiological factors (Nidana) of Varicose veins according to Ayurveda 

·       Intake of abhisyandi (which occlude channels) meals like curd, lassi, deep fried foods, heavy non-veg foods, junk foods, aerated liquids, and so on and so on. 

·       Wrong meal combinations 

·       Excess work (shramatiyogat) 

·       Weight lifting (Bharavahana) 

·       Long walk (adwagamana) 

·       Intake of heavy (guru), mild (manda), cold (hima), unctuous (snigdha) meals stuffs and so on.

Common Symptoms of Varicose veins

·       Pruritus

·       Exercise intolerance

·       Burning sensation in legs

·       Restless legs

·       Night cramps

·       Edema

·       Paresthesia

·       Numbness can be indicative of venous disease, particularly when it affects the calf region.

·       Aching ache inside the decreased limb (Toda). 

·       Numbness or neuritis (Sada). 

·       Heaviness (Gowrava) 

·       Tiredness (Ayasa) 

·       Tortuous veins (Grathitha sira) 

·       Discoloration of the veins or pores and skin (krishnarakta sira)

  • More serious symptoms include swelling of the legs,calf pain, skin changes, such as discoloration, dry, thinning skin, inflammation, scaling and open sores, or bleeding after a minor injury.

Pathogenesis (Samprapthi) of varicose veins (Sirajagranthi) as per Ayurveda

As a result of factors that worsen Vata, such as strenuous physical activity and excessive exertion, the imbalanced Vata enters the veins of debilitated individuals, leading to the development of round and protruding cysts in the veins known as Siragranthi, causing squeezing, constriction, and drying up.

The following are the modalities available for venous imaging:

  • Contrast venography is often discussed in the World Journal of Pharmacy as the primary option for venous imaging.

  • MRI

  • Color-flow duplex ultrasonography

The medical treatment for varicose veins includes ligation, ligation with stripping and  surgical treatments. But these treatments can cause reoccurrence of this disease.

  • Sclerotherapy

  • Laser therapy

  • Radiofrequency (RF) or laser ablation

  • Ambulatory phlebectomy

From the Ayurvedic point of view, varicose veins are a condition that involves the destruction of vata dosha (especially vana vayu) in rasa and rakta datus and extends into their upadhatus. Therefore, treatment efforts are aimed at soothing vata dosha and may include dietary, medicinal, yogic, and other measures.

Diet in Varicose vein condition

·       Whole grains, wheat, and millet are especially useful.

·       Fresh fruits are very necessary because vitamin C deficiency is a major factor contributing to the appearance of varicose veins. Amalaki and other citrus fruits With a high content of this vitamin should be contained in good quantities.

·       Rich in protein and should include an egg and a glass of milk every day, along with legumes and other protein-rich foods

·       Consume  garlic, onions, ginger, and pineapple daily, avoiding other spicy foods and spices

·       Drink plenty of water- the dose is a minimum of 3 liters of water per day for an adult man with a moderate level of activity.

Yoga asanas and exercise that assist in alleviating varicose vein conditions

·       Virasana (hero pose),

·       Sarvangasana (shoulder stand, should be practiced for 10 minutes every day, if possible),

·       Kapotsana (pigeon pose - alternative lying position),

·       Bhujangasana; (cobra pose),

·       Shavasana (corpse pose),

·       Halasana (plow pose),

·       Pavanmuktasana (posture to relieve wind).

Single drug therapies that are effective in varicose veins like 

Phyllanthus emblica


Terminalia arjuna


Withania somnifera


Bacopa monnieri


Tinospora cordifolia


Commiphora mukul


Asparagus racemosus


Aesculus hippocastanum

Horse Chestnut Seed Extract

Ricinus communis


Holoptelea integrifolia


Rubia cordifolia


Tinospora cordifolia


Boerhavia diffusa


Hemidesmus indicus


Eclipta prostrata

Bhringraj (Paranthi)

External superficial treatments as per Ayurveda for varicose veins:

According to Ayurveda texts, Acharya advises varicose veins can be closely associated with the symptoms described for Siragranthi (blockage in circulation). Varicose veins are related to Siraja granthi. As a type of disorder involving the blood (Raktadushti Vikara), treatment may include blood purification therapies like Raktamokshan and Rakta prasadana, in addition to medications that promote proper movement of Vata in the body. Ayurvedic treatment methods consist of various panchakarma treatment techniques, internal remedies, and lifestyle adjustments.

Abhyanga: Consistent use of medicated oils on the affected area can reduce pain and swelling while enhancing blood flow.

Patrapindasweda / shashtikashali sweda : It promotes good blood flow in the affected region and alleviates symptoms such as discomfort and a feeling of heaviness in the extremities.

Para surgical procedures advised in Ayurveda chikitsa for varicose vein

Siravedha: (Venesection) Decreases swelling in the affected area and promotes improved blood flow.

Jaloukavacharana: (Leech therapy) is a treatment that involves the use of leeches on the affected area to improve blood flow. This method can assist in the treatment of venous diseases and reduce pressure on the veins. The saliva of the leech contains substances that prevent blood clotting (Anticoagulant) and have antibacterial effects.

Ayurveda medicines beneficial in Varicose Veins

1.    Balaguduchyadi Kashaya

3.    Chiruvilvadi kashayam

4.    Manjishtadi Kashaya

5.    Dashmoola Kashaya

6.    Amruttotara Kashaya

7.    Pinda taila

8.    Panchtikta Kashaya

9.    Samshamni vati

10.  Manjishtadi taila, shachradi taila for external application

Preventive measures

  • Avoiding high heels and tight hosiery

  • Changing your sitting or standing position regularly ensures your veins function properly.

  • Eating a fiber-rich, low-salt diet

  • Exercising to maintain the blood flow in extremities

  • Maintain appropriate weight

Q: What are varicose veins?

A: Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen, and twisted veins that usually appear blue or dark purple. They often occur in the legs and can be a result of faulty valves in the veins.

Q: How can Ayurvedic treatment help manage varicose veins?

A: Ayurvedic treatment focuses on balancing the doshas, particularly vata and kapha, improving blood circulation, and strengthening the venous system to manage varicose veins effectively.

Q: What are the common symptoms of varicose veins?

A: Common symptoms of varicose veins include aching or burning sensation in the legs, visible tortuous veins, swelling in the lower limbs, and discomfort after prolonged standing.

Q: What is the role of Ayurvedic medicines in treating varicose veins?

A: Ayurvedic medicines aim to reduce varicosity, improve venous circulation, and alleviate symptoms associated with varicose veins, promoting overall vein health.

Q: What are the causes of varicose veins according to Ayurveda?

A: According to Ayurveda, varicose veins can be caused by aggravated vata and kapha doshas, leading to venous insufficiency, weakened valves in the veins, and impaired blood circulation.

Q: How does Ayurvedic treatment for varicose veins differ from

conventional treatment?

A: Ayurvedic treatment for varicose veins focuses on addressing the root cause of the condition by balancing the doshas and improving overall venous health, whereas conventional treatment often involves surgical interventions or compression therapy.

Q: What are some Ayurvedic techniques used in the management of varicose veins?

A: Ayurvedic techniques such as virechana (cleansing therapy), swedana (sudation therapy), and panchakarma treatments are commonly used to manage varicose veins and promote healthy blood circulation.


What is the most effective treatment for varicose veins?

Abhyangam and siravedham is the best therapy for varicose veins

Which oil is best for varicose veins?

Eranda Thailam is the best for varicose veins

Can varicose veins be treated permanently?

Yes provided it is diagnosed initially

Is varicose vein removal permanent?

 The affected veins, depending on which treatment you experienced, will have collapsed, removed, or shrunken permanently.

What is the best medicine for venous ulcers and vehicle veins in Ayurveda?

Kaisora Guggulu would be the best choice for both

Which guggulu is best for varicose veins?

Kaisora guggul is the best guggulu preparation for varicose vein

How to increase blood flow in legs in Ayurveda?

You can massage with medicated oil to improve circulation 

Ayurvedic Cure For Varicose Vein: Is it Effective?

Yes, it's safe and effective if administered by experts. 



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