Yograja Guggulu Benefits, Uses & Side Effects
Aggravated Vata, according to Ayurveda, can have a wide range of effects on the body and mind. Vata dosha is associated with movement and governs all bodily functions related to motion, including circulation, respiration, and the nervous system. When Vata becomes imbalanced or aggravated, it can lead to various symptoms and health issues
If left untreated, chronic Vata accumulation may contribute to more severe conditions, such as rheumatism and arthritis.
YograjaGuggulu also called pakshaghatari guggulu is an ayurvedic guggulu preparation used in pain disorders, digestive ailments, breathing troubles, etc.
Guggulu, the exudate obtained in the form of oleo gum resin from the stem of the plant Commiphoramukul is an excellent analgesic, and anti-inflammatory.
Yogarajaguggulu contains an amazing blend of detoxifying herbs, including Triphala, chitraka and vidanga that work in conjunction with guggulu to remove excess vata from the joints as well as the nerves and muscles.
It is also used as a rejuvenating supplement and supportive therapy in Ayurveda for a variety of disorders.
One gram (1000 mg) Yograj Guggulu contains
1. Pippali (long pepper or piper longum) 1 part
2. Pippali mula (long pepper or piper longum) 1 part
3.Chavya (Piper cubeba)1 part
4.Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica)1 part
5. Nagara (Zingiber officinale)1 part
6.Paata (Cissampelos Pareira)1 part
7.Vidanga (Embeliaribes)1 part
8. Indrayava (HolarrhenaAntidysenterica seeds) 1 part
9.Hingu (Asafoetida)1 part
10. Bharangi Clerodendrum serratum) 1 part
11.Vacha (Acorus calamus) 1 part
12. Sarshapa (Brassica juncea) 1 part
13. Athivisha (Aconitum heterophyllum) 1 part
14. Jiraka Cuminum cyminum 1 part
15.Renuka(Vitex negundo) 1 part
16. Gaja pippali (Java Long Pepper)1 part
17. Ajamoda (Apium Graveolens) celery seeds 1 part
18.Trikatu (maricha ,pippali ,sunti) 1 part
19. Murva (Marsdeniatenacissima) 1 part
20. Triphala (Amlaki, hareetaki ,vibheetaki) 1 part
22.Yavani (Trachyspermumammi )1 part
23.Karavi (Carum carvi) 1 part
24.Devadaru (Cedrus deodara )1 part
25.Ela (Elettaria cardamomum )1 part
26. Saindhava (Rock salt) 1 part
27.Kusta (Saussurealappa) 1 part
28.Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata )1 part
29.Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris )1 part
30.Dhanyaka( Coriandrum sativum) 1 part
31.Musta (Cyperus rotundus)1 part
32.Tvak (Cinnamomum zeylancium) 1 part
33.ushira (Vetiveriazizanoides )1 part
34.Yavagraja (Hordeum vulgare) 1 part
35.Talisa patra(Taxus wallichii )1 part
36. Teja patra (Cinnamomum tamala) 1 part, is combined with Yogaraja Guggulu for enhanced therapeutic effects.
37.Katuki (Picrorhizakurroa) 1 part
38. Shunti (Zingiber officinale )1 part
39. Suddha Guggulu (Commiphorawightii)
Ref-Saranghadharasamhitha /madhyama khanda
Method of preparation
Guggulushodhana/Purification of gugulu
· Raw guggulu is purified from Sand, stone & glass etc
· Then it is pounded into small pieces in clean khalwa yantra.
· It is bundled in a 2 folded clean cloth & made Pottali out of it.
· It is subjected to Dolayantraswedana on Manda Agni(Mild Fire) containing liquid media as Triphala khawatha(decoction).
· Boiling is continued until all guggulu trickles into the fluid through the cloth.
· The residue in the bundle is discarded.
· The fluid is filtered & again boiled till it forms a mass.
· It is dried in sunlight.
· Thus obtained will be shodhita guggulu.
· Prepare the sukshma churna of all specified ingredients and kept ready.
· Later shodhita guggulu is taken in kalvwa yantra, and a small quantity of ghritha (Ghee) is added and pounded well till contents attain proper paka. The above-mentioned drug powder is added little by little and mix homogeneously by grinding till it attains pill mass consistency. Then prepare gutikas of one shana pramana(3gm) dry them under shade later preserve in ghee coated earthen pot and whenever required gutika are taken out and used.
Pharmacological action of some main ingredients
· Guggulu:
Being lekhana(scrapping) scraps away the excessive jalamsha(Moisture ) and aamatva (toxins) which have accumulated in the joints. Ushna guna(Hot potency) helps in bringing back the vitiated vata into normalcy.
· Triphala
Reduces the ushnata (Heat), an effect similar to that of Yogaraja Guggulu Gulika, according to Ayurvedic principles. and ugrata (Aggressive ) of guggulu.
· Chitraka
The active ingredient Plumbagin, an alkaloid present in chitraka is a known stimulant of muscle tissue.
· Sunti .Pippali ,Pippalimoola
Helps the medicine to metabolize easily and completely, similar to the effects observed with the use of Yogaraja Guggulu tablets in Ayurvedic treatments. due to its Dipana and Pachana properties
· Trikatu
Checks the digestion
Ayurvedic energetic
Mainly the drugs have properties like tikta, kashaya, katu rasa and ushna, rukshaguna, ushnavirya, and act as kapha vata hara.
Yogaraja Guggulu is Therapeutically Indicated in
Vata vyadhi (Vata Disorders), nabhishula (Stomach Pain), udavartha (Reverse movement of Vata), amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis), prameha (Diabetes), sandhimajjagatavata (Osteoarthritis), hrudroga (Heart diseses), pleeharoga (Spleen disorders), kusta (Various Skin conditions), gulma (Lump), kshaya (Tuberculosis), vatashonitha (Gout), agnimandya (Diminished Agni), pandu(Anemia), dhatuksheena(Loss of dhatus), arsha (Haemmoroids), bahumutrata (Polyuria), shvasa (Lung disorders) ,shiroroga (Head ailments), kasa(Cough), koshtabaddhatha ,bhagandhara (Fissures), shukra dosha (Male reproductive issues) and yonidosha (Female reproductive issues), arochaka (diminished sense of taste), also act as vedanastapaka (analagesic), nadibalya (Neurotonic), shulashamaka , shothahara (which reduces swelling/ edema) which is most essential in promoting symptomatic relief in vata vyadhi.
Anupana /Adjuvant
If given along with Rasnadi kwatha, it is effective in shopha (Swelling), Shula (Pain), angamarda (body pain), kati prushta graha lakshanas. In the case of Kaphaja nidana vyadhi like Amavata, the application of Yogaraja Guggulu shows positive outcomes.
Along with Punarnavadi kwatha, effective in Angamarda, Shoonatwa of Shareera and Sandhi, much like the application of Kerala Ayurveda traditional prepared- Yogaraja Guggulu Tablet.
In case of agnimandya and arochaka ,pippali kwatha used as an anupana,
and with Ksheera it having dhatu poshana property and also Madhu.
Pharmacological actions
· Anti-inflammatory
· Anti-arthritic
· Analgesic
· Antispasmodic
· Muscle relaxant
· Carminative
· Digestive Stimulant
· Expectorant
· Emmenagogue
· Hypo-glycemic
· Anti-obesity
· Anti-gout
· Antioxidant
· Adaptogenic
· Anticancer
Therapeutic indications
Digestive Health like constipation, Loss of appetite, Indigestion, Bloating/Abdominal distension, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Muscle, Bones & Joints issues like spasm , stiffness, RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis), OA (Osteoarthritis), Bursitis, Fibromyalgia, Gout, Brain & Nerves ailments like Epilepsy, Depression, Paralysis, Sciatica High lipid levels, Atherosclerosis, Congestive heart failure, Cough, Asthma, Dysmenorhoea, Secondary amenorrhoea, PMS Women Health.
Dose and administration -According to disease and individual requirement
Safety profiles
· Hyperacidity & Heartburn
· Burning sensation in the abdomen
· Allergic reaction– It may occur if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Guggulu
What are the key ingredients in the YogarajaGuggulu Tablet?
The key ingredients in YogarajaGuggulu Tablet include guggulu, rasna, and other traditional Ayurvedic herbs.
How is the YogarajaGuggulu Tablet used for joint disorders?
YogarajaGuggulu Tablet is commonly used in Ayurveda to help with joint pain, stiffness, and other joint-related issues.
Is YogarajaGuggulu Tablet suitable for all body constitutions?
It is recommended to consult with an Ayurvedic doctor to determine if the YogarajaGuggulu Tablet is suitable for an individual's body constitution.
Can I find customer reviews for the YogarajaGuggulu Tablet online?
Yes, you can find customer reviews for YogarajaGuggulu Tablet on various e-commerce platforms and Ayurvedic websites.
Are YogarajaGuggulu Tablets available for purchase on Amazon?
Yes, you can find YogarajaGuggulu Tablets in the Ayurvedic supplements category on Amazon.
What are the common side effects of taking YogarajaGuggulu Tablet?
Some individuals may experience mild digestive issues or allergic reactions while taking YogarajaGuggulu Tablet, but consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.
Is Yograj Guggulu a painkiller?
It has properties of analgesic and anti-inflammatory thus helping in relieving pain
Which guggul is best for joint pain?
You can use simhanada gugulu ,yogaraja gugulu ,triodasanga gugulu , kaisora gugulu ,based on the individual requirement
What are the benefits of Mahayograj guggul?
Mahayograj Guggulu helps strengthen the digestive system, helps detoxify body, and is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant in nature.
What is Yograj Guggulu used for?
Useful in muscles, bone and joint pains, fibromyalgia, joint stiffness, constipation, bloating, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, epilepsy, sciatic nerve pain, dysmenorrhea, and premenstrual syndrome.
Does Guggul help in joints pain?
Yes it does help in relieving joint pain
How long yograjguggulu can be taken?
Minimum period of 2-3 months
Does guggul help with weight loss?
It helps to improve the metabolism and reduce the ama helping in excess weight gain
How long should i take kanchanarguggulu?
Its completely based on the individual requirement and clinical condition
Is taking YogarajaGuggulu Tablet safe if you have a high blood sugar level?
There are no adverse effects mentioned as such but before any administration ,its better to consult your health care professional before taking any Ayurvedic Medicines.